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Customer Satisfaction Survey
Your Opinions are Valuable to Us!

Our valued customer,

As Ünsal Makina, the opinions and satisfaction of our valued customers are extremely important to us. We are organizing this survey in order to serve you better. We just ask you to take a few minutes to share your experiences and expectations. Every feedback from you will help us improve our business and increase your satisfaction.

Thank you in advance for your participation.

Best regards, Unsal Makina

• For your questions, is the process of preparing quotes, drawings or order confirmations fast?
• How good is our Sales Department at resolving service problems?
• Which of the following words describes our product or service?
• If you were to rate our Product Quality, what would it be?
• How satisfied are you with the information regarding the product's shipping and delivery processes?
• Are you satisfied with our delivery dates?

Thank you for posting.

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